BWDB Vision: To improve the management and sustainable development of the country's water resources. Develop sustainable development in agriculture, fisheries, forest etc. through proper management of tackling flood, drought, water logging, international river flow, salinity, climate change and climate change.
By increasing the knowledge and capacity of the people by ensuring financial support, social justice, gender fairness and environmental awareness, so that they can plan and manage water resources for their own good use by taking a lot of public participation
BWDB Mission:
Under the National Water Policy, National Water Master Plan, Participatory Water Management Guide Line and BPOWOB Act, the proper management and development of water resources of the country. Through joint management, in coordination with local organizations of medium and large (1001 ha or above) projects.
(A) ensuring participation of people of all levels, class and occupation of society and improving quality of life; (B) establishment of good governance in project management through transparency, accountability and full implementation of law; (C) Providing effective and efficient service for all classes and profession, especially poor people; (D) poverty reduction; (E) Provide food security; (F) to maintain the balance of natural environment; (G) Following environmentally sustainable development techniques.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS